Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Dragon Island Blue - Walkthrough
Hundred of years ago, dragons ruled the world with an iron grip. That is, until one day, a way was discovered to control the monsters of the land.
Large armies of monsters were formed and the dragons were killed. Their eggs were spirited away to safe hiding places.
Many years later, you were born. Your father left you in the care of the family to become a Licensed Breeder.
Years later, while scouting the nearby hills, you discover a large egg. Something tells you that it is now your time to leave the village and become a breeder, like your father before you.
Your adventure is about to begin...
The game will start by letting you choose one of these hatchlings: Fire Hatchling, Water Hatchling, Spark Hatchling and Gold Hatchling. Just pick any because all them have the same attributes.
After picking your pet, a girl with a name of Leslie will show up telling you this:
"You must be a breeder! Please help! My house northwest of town has been attacked! It's the little house right outside of town. You'll see it when you leave town!"
Southern Alvalon
You will be wondering in Southern Alvalon (check the link to see the map) after leaving Corova Town (Point 1) a tutorial will appear on how to move your hero from one location to another. You will see Leslie's house at Point 6. Go there to attack the monster. During the encounter, another tutorial will appear on how to fight a monster. Then Leslie will show up telling you this:
"There you are! Thanks for coming! It's that Goblin. I tried to fight him with my monster, but I didn't stand a chance."
Once you defeated the monster Leslie will appear again telling you this:
"Wow, you have a Dragon? you must be the one everyone is talking about! You should go back to town so that you can rest you monster. Remember, going back to town is pretty much the only way to recover your monsters' health."
After talking to Leslie, a tip will appear teaching you about Replay Battle. Go back to Corova Town and Leslie will appear again telling you this:
"Hey! There you are. I realized I forgot to thank you! Please let me do you a favor. My brother works for the Guild of Corova. Only licensed breeders can take quests at the Guild but I'll ask my brother to make an exception. Visit the Guild and take some quests!"
Guild of Corova - Quest No. 1 (Prove Yourself)
Go now to the Guild of Corova and talk to Leslie's brother and he will tell you this:
"Hmm... First you need to prove yourself. Go outside of town and capture your first monster! The forest west of here would be a good place. You only get one chance per monster, so you need to lower it's health in order to better your chances."
This will be your first quest so you have to prove yourself and catch 1 monster in the forest (located at Point 2, 3 and 4). But before you can catch a monster you must have a card to capture a monster. You can buy a capture card in the item shop of the town. Right now, you are carrying 2 capture card so you don't have to buy yet. Go now and catch 1 monster.
When you go to the forest, another tutorial will appear about on "how to capture a monster." After catching the monster, go back to the town and talk to Leslie's brother. Once you enter the town, before you can go to the Guild, Leslie will appear again and telling you this:
"Hey! How are quests going for you? I heard you are going to Westguard. I've always wanted to go to Westguard, but the journey is far too long and dangerous for me to go on my own. Let me follow you there!"
Well, you can't push her away so there's nothing you can do about it. Now, go to the Guild and talk to her brother. You can now claim your reward and he will give you a Silver Egg to take a lucky spin.
Guild of Corova - Quest No. 2 (Defeat 10 Monsters)
Now get your 2nd quest and Leslie's brother will tell you this:
"Go defeat 10 monsters. By the time you come back to me, you will be ready to face real challenges. I forgot to mention this earlier, but you can take up to 3 quests with you at any given time."
There you go! your 2nd quest. Go out the town and defeat 10 monsters. I suggest that you hunt in the forest. But if you think that your monster are strong enough and choose to go north for hunting, you will encounter a girl named Enya at Point 11 (Southern Alvalon's Map) and she will tell you this:
"You have a dragon too? I found one near here a few days ago. Let's have a duel!"
Once you defeated Enya, she will tell you this:
"You're pretty good... I see that you are not a Licensed Breeder Yet. I'm headed to the City of Westguard up north here. I'll give this Gem, you equip it when you and Licensed."
You will receive a Gem and just neglect what Enya told you. You will get there eventually.
You will also encounter the 1st dragon overlord named Arashi (a Drake) blocking bridge (Point 12 in Southern Alvalon's Map). If your monsters are strong enough and defeated this dragon, you will receive a Golden Egg to take a lucky spin. You can now cross the bridge going to Northern Alvalon. But for now, let's finish all the quests in Corova town.
Once you defeated 10 monster, go back to the town and claim you reward. Leslie's brother, will give you a Wolf which will be added to your Monsters collection.
Guild of Corova - Quest No. 3 (Beat Rigel)
You can now get you 3rd quest. Talk to Leslie's brother again and he will tell you this:
"Rigel is a local breeder hostile to the guild. Defeat him and claim your reward. He is to be found somewhere in the North Cave."
So Rigel is hiding somewhere in the North Cave which is located at Point 10 in Southern Alvalon's Map. If you haven't encountered Enya yet, you cannot escape from her this time because she's blocking the cave entrance. Once you entered the cave, another tutorial will appear on how to move from room to room inside the cave. After that Leslie will appear and telling you that she's sensing a presence somewhere on the 1st level of the floor. Next, you will see a Capture Challenge on the screen showing you a treasure chest and 3 blank images of monsters, meaning you have to capture those monsters and get the treasure chest. For now, just focus on what Leslie told you because that will be your 3rd quest. While looking for Rigel, you will encounter monsters in some rooms. If you have a capture card this is best place to capture some monsters because of the Capture Challenge and for your collection of monsters. You can also check Southern Alvalon's Map because I have recorded all the monsters that you can find in this cave.
Now, when you encounter Rigel, he will tell you this:
"The guild sent you to go after me? Let's see if are up for the job!"
Tough words from Rigel. You're the hero so you have to beat him. Once you beat Rigel, he will tell you this:
"I was protesting against the Guild's excavation mission that is destroying the eco system here... But I will accepting defeat and stop now."
And he will give you a gem.
You can now go back to the town to get your reward and the next quest but if you have enough strong monsters to roam around the cave, i suggest that you do because on the 3rd level you will encounter Fionn and on 4th level of the cave you will encounter a spirit monster. Once you encountered Fionn, he will tell you this:
"Another breeder this deep in the dungeon? Let's see who is better, you or me!"
And the battle begins. Once you defeated Fionn, he will give you a reward.
On the 4th level of the cave, when you encounter the spirit monster, Leslie will appear again telling you this:
"That's not a normal monster... it must be a Spirit! When defeated, they can be summoned into battles to aid you monster! Most dungeons and caves have spirits in them. You should seek them out!"
Now you have to find the other spirit in every caves and dungeons but right now you have to focus on this monster because this will be you 1st spirit monster and it is called Resistance. Once you defeated this monster you will receive 100 Silver and Resistance Spirit Totem. Then another tutorial will appear on how to use the Spirit Totems. If you can't defeat this spirit monster yet, don't worry, you can still get him once your monsters got stronger. Go back to the town for now.
Once you returned back to the town, Leslie will appear again to tell you this:
"Take advantage of ELEMENTS! Fire is weak against Water, Water is weak against Air, Air is weak against Earth, and Earth is weak against Fire. You should also keep in mind that lowering a monster's health makes catching it easier."
There you go! another tip. Go to the Guild and claim your reward for the 3rd quest and you will receive 226 Silver.
Guild of Corova - Quest No. 4 (Beat Barbarian)
Now, get your 4th quest and Leslie's brother will tell you this:
"There are reports of travelers getting attacked by a barbarian deep in the forest to the west. Go neutralize the threat and come back."
Go to the forest now and beat the barbarian. He is located at Point 4 in Southern Alvalon's Map. His name is Cyrus and once you encountered him, he will tell you this:
"Get out of my hunting grounds!"
So he's really attacking everyone. Now, beat him. Once you defeated Cyrus, he will tell you this:
"If only I had caught that Noko here yesterday... I never would have lost to you!"
Hmmm... There's a Noko in this area? You have find it to be added in your collection. For now, go back to the town and get your reward.
Leslie will appear again once you enter in the town to give you this tip:
"If you have captured some monsters, you should visit Monster Management. If you are fighting a FIRE element monster. you should take WATER element monsters on your party."
Okay, so many tips from Leslie but if you forgot some of them, don't worry, Just click on this link so that you can still review the tips that you have missed. You can now get your reward for your 4th quest which is Silver Egg.
Guild of Corova - Quest No. 5 (Deliver Message)
Now, get your 4th quest and Leslie's brother will tell you this:
"You need to deliver this message to the Guild in Westguard. Just travel north to Northern Alvalon and you will the city of Westguard. You must defeat a Dragon Overlord that is blocking the way first."
I suggest not to go to Northern Alvalon yet and finish all the quest here. By the way, the Dragon Overlord that he is talking about is Arashi and I have already mentioned it earlier.
Guild of Corova - Quest No. 6 (Evolution)
Now, get again another quest and Leslie's brother will tell you this:
"Some monsters will evolve after enough levels. Evolving your monsters is a big task for breeders. Show us you that you and your monsters are capable of this."
If your hatchling is not yet evolved, now is time. If it is already evolved find another monster but not the Wolf because you'll be needing that monster in a quest. So go out of the town now and let your monsters evolve. If one of your monsters has evolved, go back to Corova and claim your reward. Leslie will appear again to tell you this once you enter the town:
"I just overheard a veteran breeder talking about a Fire Cub he caught in the North Cave. Rumor said that Fire Cubs can evolve into an extreme powerful monster. You should go capture it!"
If you haven't captured a Fire Cub yet, don't worry you can go back to the North Cave anytime. So for now, talk to Leslie's brother and he will give you 221 Silver as a reward for this quest.
Guild of Corova - Quest No. 7 (Clear North Cave)
For your next quest, Leslie's brother will tell you this:
"The guild's excavation team wants to dig up some monster fossils in the North Cave. Your task is to defeat all the monster on floors 1 through 2 to ensure the team can work in a safe environment."
Go back to the North Cave again (Point 10 in Southern Alvalon's Map) and clear floors 1 and 2. If you haven't checked all the floors in this cave yet, now is the time and beat the spirit monster. If you still can't beat Resistance, don't worry, you can still fight him another day. Once you achieve your quest, go back to the town again and claim your reward which is 20 Gold.
Guild of Corova - Quest No. 8 (Spirited)
For your next quest, Leslie's brother will tell you this:
"Spirit totems are powerful tools to own. Find the creature known as Resistance in the bottom level of the cave to the north and get 1 totem from it."
Now you really have to fight Resistance this time without any excuses. Even if you have already beat it, you still can't get the reward. So, go to the North Cave now and face it or face it again to get the Spirit Totem. You can use Way Points to get to Resistance immediately, If you have already cleared all the floors you will earlier, Way Points notice will appear once the enter the cave. Once you defeated Resistance go back to the town for the reward which is 20 Gold.
Guild of Corova - Quest No. 9 (Recipe for Creation)
For your last quest Leslie's brother will tell you this:
"If you defeat a breeder Ivo on the beach to the north, he will give you a recipe. You can use it to combine 2 monsters into something new. Combine Bitewing with Wolf 1 time."
Ivo is located at Point 14 in Southern Alvalon's Map. Once you face him, he will tell you this:
"I have been waiting for you."
So, he already knew you are going to get him. Once you defeated him, he will tell you this:
"Take this, it's a recipe for a Carnoraptor. You'll make a very good breeder, just like your father."
He knew your father? what kind of sorcery is this? :D Anyway, once you receive the Carnoraptor Recipe, a tutorial will appear on how to Combine Monsters. Now, go back to Corova Town and make a Carnoraptor, it is a combination of Bitewing and Wolf. Then take your reward which is Silver Egg.
So, this will be the end of your quest in Southern Alvalon. You can now go to Northern Alvalon to take your Deliver Message Quest Reward.
Northern Alvalon
Before you enter Westguard Town in Northern Alvalon, there will be a girl named Giselle is blocking the entrance (Point 14 on the map) and she will tell you this:
"Are you headed to Westguard? Let's see if you have what it takes!"
So, this girl is will not let you enter Westguard unless you defeat her. Once you beat her, she will tell you this:
"I am hired by the Guild to test rookie breeders headed to Westguard. You have passed your initial test. Best of luck with your journey."
Then this rookie breeder tester will give you a gem as a reward. Go now and enter the town and Leslie will show up again telling you this:
"We made it to Westguard! Thank you for taking me with you! I guess we'll part here. Good luck with your adventure!"
That's it she's off and you are on your own. Now, go to the Guild of Westguard to deliver the message and take the reward which is 253 Silver and take a new quest.
Guild of Westguard - Quest No. 1 (Soulstone)
Upon taking a new quest, an old man named Harald will appear. He is the one assigning quest in this town and he will tell you this:
"A monster's soul can taken out and given to other monsters. It may seem cruel, but it's something a breeder must. Create a soulstone and come back to me."
Then a tutorial on How to Create a Soulstone will appear. Oh! no! one of your precious monster will be sacrificed to be come a Soulstone. Don't worry though, you can still catch another one. Once you created a Soulstone and be given to the other monster, go back to the guild to claim your reward which is 20 gold. Take again another quest.
Guild of Westguard - Quest No. 2 (Capture Baby Nessie)
Harald will tell you this on your next quest:
"The Guild needs a sample of Baby Nessie to run some tests on. Catch 1 and come back. There haven't been any reported sightings in Northern Alvalon for over a decade. You may want to try the beach in Southern Alvalon."
There you go! the tip is already given. Go now to the beach of Southern Alvalon (Point 13 and 14 on the map) to capture Baby Nessie. When your done go back to the guild to get your prize but before you can get it Leslie will appear again at the entrance to tell you this:
"Hey! You know... this city is big and exciting unlike Corova, but it's nothing compared to your adventure. Please let me keep you company a little longer. I want to see more of this exciting world and I know if I let you go here, I'll regret it for life!"
So, she will stick with you again. You can now get your prize for capturing Baby Nessie which is 20 gold.
Guild of Westguard - Quest No. 3 (Ant Swarm)
In your 3rd quest, Harald will tell you this:
"We have work for you. A swarm of Giant Ants has been blocking passage on the road southwest of Westguard. Go clean up the mess."
Go now and hunt the Giant Ants which is located near a small house outside the town (at Point 7 of Northern Alvalon's map). Once your done, go back to the town and Enya will show up before you can get your reward. She will tell you this:
"Oh, you made it here! Are you licensed yet? If not, you should visit the arena to take the test. I just went and passed my first test. I'm a licensed breeder now!"
Before you get your reward for this quest, go to the Arena first get your breeder's license. Once you enter the Arena, the Arena Master will tell you this:
"Have you come to battle in the Arena? It is the only way to improve your breeder license."
Now, get a license test. Before the battle commence, Harald will appear and tell you this:
"Let's see if you are worthy."
So, Harald is the one who test you. Now prove to him that you are worthy to get the license and beat the monsters. After defeating the monsters, Harald will show up again and tell you this:
"Your father is still alive. I was instructed by him to tell you this when you became a breeder. Congratulations, you man."
Then a message will appear on the screen saying this:
"Now that you have been granted a new monster license, your power begin to grow and new adventures await you. The Arena Master's words leave you feeling encourage and excited. Perhaps if search every corner of the world you might find some hint of your father's whereabouts."
So, Harald knows your father. Where could he be? Anyway, after the message, the Arena Master will say something again:
"Congratulations! You license has been upgrade to Apprentice. May it serve you well."
You now have the Apprentice License which increases the number of monsters you can control by 2 and you can put the following gems in it: Oval. To insert the gem just go to "Hero" on the Town Map and choose "Gems" and a tutorial about the Character Sheet will appear. If you already have an Oval gem in your items you can now add them. Once your done insert the gem try to enter "Skills" in Hero Management to see if you have "Points Free" (located on the Upper left corner of the screen). If you have points try to add them on your hero attributes by pressing the Plus or Minus sign on each attributes. Once your done, you can now get your prize for the 3rd quest which is 480 Silver.
Guild of Westguard - Quest No. 4 (Northern Passage)
On your 4th quest, Harald will tell you this:
"A breeder hostile to the Guild is blocking the passage leading north from Westguard. The Northern passage is vital for trade. Go clear it."
You will see this hostile breeder named Christa at Point 14 (Northern Alvalon's map). When you face her, she will tell you this:
"Stop right there!"
Then then battle begins. Once you defeated her, she will tell you this:
"You were ordered by the guild to defeat me? I was ordered by them to prevent anyone from passing! Something fishy is going on here..."
So she's also a guild member then. I think Harald is just testing you. Well, go back to the guild again to claim you reward.
When you enter the town, Giselle will appear again to tell you this:
"Oh, hey! I'm going to be restationed in the city of Longdale. I have tested many rookie breeders on my assignment but I must say you and the other girl with the Dragon were quite special! Good luck on your journey."
I think the girl Giselle talks about is Enya. You can get your reward now which 20 Gold and take the next quest.
Guild of Westguard - Quest No. 5 (Barbarian Sighted)
For your 5th quest, Harald will tell you this:
"Hunters have been attacked by a barbarian in the forest directly west of here. Go check it out."
The forest is located at Point 9 (Northern Alvalon's map) and that barbarian is Cyrus. When you face him, he will tell you this:
"Get outta my hunting... oh, it's you again."
So, he remembers you. After you defeat him, he will tell you this:
"I wish you would just leave me alone..."
Pity! Go back to the guild. Again, another person will appear in front you when enter the town and his name is Jubal and he will tell you this:
"Is that a Dragon you've got there? Wow, where did you catch it? I came to Westguard to catch a Reptilo in the Pirate's cave. I wasn't expected to see rarer monsters in the city though!"
Another tip from a breeder, a Reptilo in the Pirate's cave (Point 3 in Northern Alvalon's map). Claim your Gem now at the Guild and get another quest.
Guild of Westguard - Quest No. 6 (Beat Fiona)
For your 6th quest, Harald will tell you this:
"Fiona is a breeder hostile to the Guild. She and her partner, Mazarine, have been interrupting the Guild's research missions in the cave southwest from here. We need you to defeat her."
The cave that Harald talks about is the Pirate's cave (Point 3 in Northern Alvalon's map). Go now and Find Fiona.
When you enter the cave, a capture challenge will appear. Now, Find Fiona and beat her. You will reach her on the 4th level of the cave. When you meet her, she will tell you this:
"Stop right there! That's right, you are about to get robbed."
After you beat her, she will tell you this:
"It was all Mazarine's idea. We figure it was quicker to rob rare monsters from other breeders than to catch wild ones."
Again, for every cave there is a Spirit Monster. If you think that your monsters are strong enough, go and hunt that Spirit Monster. You can find it on the 6th level of the cave and the name of that Spirit Monster is Fire. If you still can't beat Fire, don't worry, just like what I said before, you can still get them some other time. Go back to the town now and claim your prize for this quest.
When you reach the town, a girl named Adina will show up and will tell you this:
"What are you looking at! Yeah, so what if I'm crying. Life is tough for people like me. A peasant like you would never understand."
This rich girl.... Anyway, go to Guild now and get your 20 gold reward and take another quest.
Guild of Westguard - Quest No. 7 (Beat Mazarine)
Harald will tell you this on you 7th quest:
"Mazarine is a breeder hostile to the Guild. She and her partner, Fiona, have interrupting the Guild's research missions in a cave southwest of here. We need you to defeat her as well."
Again, you have to go back to the Pirate's cave to find Mazarine. She's on the 5th level of the cave. When you encounter her, she will tell you this:
"Give me all of your monster!"
So, this is Fiona's partner. She looks like Rigel. Maybe they are siblings. Go now and fight her.
After you defeat her she will tell you this:
"I guess we'll go back to catching wild monsters again..."
That's right, Mazarine! there are no shortcuts in catching monster. Since your quest here is over, try to face Fire again on the 6th level. If you can't still defeat it, just go back to the town and Leslie show up again when you enter to tell you this:
"I was talking to some travelers down at the tavern. They came from a city called Wesing, you travel from here and turn east across a large meadow. We should go check it out!"
Right now, let''s just focus on our quest and go to Wesing later. alright? Get your Silver Egg for beating Mazarine for now and get your 8th quest.
Guild of Westguard - Quest No. 8 (Deliver Message)
For your 8th quest, Harald will say this:
"You need to deliver this message to the Guild in Dundean. Travel north to Ringfeld and take the path head to the east. There is a powerful Dragon guarding the path. Beware."
Dundean is the town in Safaris. I suggest you not to go there yet. Just skip this quest and take another instead. Let's finish all the quest here in Northern Alvalon before we move to another Region.
Guild of Westguard - Quest No. 9 (Rescue Adina)
Harald will say this to you on this quest:
"A young girl named Adina has been missing from her home for the last couple of days. Some people in the city saw her walking towards the lighthouse in the North. She may be in trouble. Go rescue her."
Go now and travel to the lighthouse in the North or in Ringfeld to find Adina. Along the way to the lighthouse (Point 4 in the map of Ringfeld), you will encounter another Dragon Overlord named Archelon. Just beat this Sea Dragon so that you can enter the light house. Another Capture Challenge will appear in this tower when you enter. Go now and find Adina. She's lurking on the 3rd level. When you find her, she will tell you this:
"You came to rescue? I don't need to be rescued. I can take care of myself."
Then she will attack you. After you defeated her monsters, Adina will say this:
"You injured my monsters! How dare you! You better walk me back to Westguard!"
Before you go back to Westguard with Adina. I just want to let you know that there is a Spirit Monster on the 5th level named Fate. So it's up to you if you want to catch her now or later.
When you enter the town, Enya will show up and tell you this:
"I just came back from the lighthouse and I'm never going back again! The whole place is flooded. Not a good place for my Fire monsters. I wanted to catch a White Dolphin, but I give up."
Another tip. There is a White Dolphin in the lighthouse. But if you want to know all the monsters lurking in the lighthouse just check this link. You can get your 503 Silver as the reward for this quest and take another.
Guild of Westguard - Quest No. 10 (Defeat Carmin)
For your 10th quest, Harald will say this:
"One of the breeders on a mission to capture a White Dolphin in the lighthouse has not returned. We supplied him a powerful lineup of monsters for the job and he may walked away with it."
You will go back again to the lighthouse in Ringfeld to get this breeder. Her name is Carmin and you will find her on the 4th level. When you encounter her, she will say this to you:
"The Guild supplied me with its most powerful monsters. You think you can stop me?"
Of course you can. After you defeated her, Carmin will say this to you:
"They must have supplied you with ones! A dragon? That's not even fair."
Serves you right! Now, go to the 5th level and you will face Enya again and she will say this to you:
"Oh! it's you again!"
After you beat her monsters, she will tell you this:
"You should let me win sometimes."
And you will receive a gem. Since you're already on the 5th floor try fight the Spirit Monster Fate. If you haven't encounter this before, now is the time! Once your done, go back to the town and claim your prize. Leslie will show up again when you enter the town and will tell you this:
"I just met a breeder that had a Wasp Queen and a Kingpen. These are very strong monsters. I wonder how he get them.... I know you can't catch them around this part of the island."
Wasp Queen and Kingpen are evolved monsters. You can find them soon. For now, get your 474 Silver reward and take the last quest in this guild.
Guild of Westguard - Quest No. 11 (Pirate King)
For your last quest, Harald will say this to you:
"A pirate called Leomaris rules these seas. He has added a powerful monster to his collection and the Guild can no longer tolerate his presence. His port is on the tip of the peninsula to the west of Westguard. You must defeat him."
You can find Leomaris at Point 11 in Northern Alvalon's map but before you go to him, go to Point 8 (Back of the Pirate's Cave) where you can find the White Dragon Overload named Apophis. Just beat this monster and continue with your quest. Before you can get the Pirate King, Enya will show up at Point 10 and she will say this to you:
"Hey, fellow breeder! Up for a duel?"
When you beat again, she will tell you this:
"I lose again... You watch out next time!"
Go now and fight the Pirate King. When you face him, he will say this to you:
"The Guild sent a rookie you to defeat me? I take that as an insult!"
Now prove yourself and defeat this arrogant pirate. Once you beat him, Leomaris will tell you this:
"You would make a good pirate. I will sail off to find another place to make a living. Yo, heave ho!"
Now that he's gone, go back to the town and claim your Silver Egg. Well done! you've finished all the quest here in Westguard except for the Delivering the Message to Dundean Town in Safaris. The dragon blocking the path there is really tough so I suggest to visit the Wesing Town Instead.
Greater Wesing
Wesing Town is located at Point 7 of Greater Wesing. When you get there, a girl named Ren will show up to tell you this:
"Hi, Fellow breeder! This is a very good area for breeders seeking to capture some good monsters! Check out the forest to south of here as a start!"
Ren is right guys! There are lots of new good monsters in this area. But don't go out of the town yet, instead, go to the Guild and take your next quest.
Guild of Wesing - Quest No. 1 (Barbarian Near City)
When you enter The Guild of Wesing, there is a young lad that will give you a quest immediately (He doesn't even introduce himself). This is want he's going to tell you:
"A Barbarian has been sighted in the small forest east of the city. There are no reports of actual damaged caused, but the people are starting to worry."
There you go! your 1st quest in this Region. Go out now and hunt Cyrus. He's at Point 8 of the Greater Wesing's map. When you meet him, he will tell you this:
"You again? What did I do now?"
He's now afraid of you. After you defeat him, he will say this to you:
"This is totally unfair!"
Sorry Cyrus! Now, go back to the town and Fionn will show up to tell you this:
"If you are thinking about making it through the Igneous Passage, you should forget about it. My monsters are able to handle monsters in No Man's Castle but no chance in the Passage. And on top of that, there are no waypoints in there."
Fionn is right! Don't go to Igneous Passage yet. It is located at Point 6 on the map. Just forget it first and get your gem at the Guild then take another quest.
Guild of Wesing - Quest No. 2 (Illegal Hunters)
For this quest, The young lad will tell you this:
"There have been reports of illegal hunting activities in the forest to the South of the city. We are told a breeder named Ryu is behind this. Go arrest him."
Ryu is located at Point 13 on the map. When you meet him, he will tell you this:
"You think you stand a chance me? HADOUKEN!"
WHAT?! A street fighter became a breeder? :D Anyway, just beat this guy and after the duel he will say this to you:
"What are feeding your monsters?"
We're feeding them HADOUKEN. lol. Anyway, go back to the town again and Leslie will show up to tell you this:
"Apparently, there is a Dragon near the bridge south of here, past the forest. You should go check it out."
She's talking about the Red Dragon Overlord named Nagendra blocking the entrance of Igneous Passage (Point 5 on the map). This monster is tough so don't fight it yet. Just take you prize which is another gem and get your 3rd quest.
Guild of Wesing - Quest No. 3 (Defeat Ren)
On your 3rd quest, the Guild Master will tell you this:
"A breeder known as Ren has been rolling to forests to the South for quite some time now. She has recently managed to gather as extremely powerful line up of monsters. We need you to go scout her."
You can find Ren at the forest in Western Gracia (Point 8 on the map). When you face her, she will say this to you:
"The Guild sent you here? What have I done to deserve this kind of treatment?"
Now fight her. After defeating her, she will tell you this:
"Be warned. The Guild will start to fear you as your power grows. I will leave these woods if that's what you want."
She recognizes your power... Now go back to the town and A girl named Clematis will show up to tell you this:
"I am recruiting good breeders to join forces with me in Lorensia... but I see you're a Guild member. Please forget what I just said."
Lorensia is the town in Western Gracia. Just forget about what she said and claim your another gem then take the next quest in the Guild.
Guild of Wesing - Quest No. 4 (Clear No Man's Castle)
This what the Guild Master will going to tell you on your 4th quest:
"NoMansCastle in Southern Alvalon has been occupied by monsters since the kingdom that once flourished around the area fell in the last major war. Go clear floors 1 to 4. We want to see if the building is still usable."
So your next assignment would be wiping all the monsters from 1st to 4th floor. To get to the No Man's Castle, you just go to Point 1 on this map (that's going to Northern Alvalon). Then from Northern, just go to Point 17 (that's going to Southern Alvalon). Then you will see the No Man's Castle at Point 18.
When you enter the castle, a Capture Challenge will appear. Now, wipe all the monsters on 1st to 4th floor. If it's your first time to enter in this castle, you will meet a girl named Ursula on the 1st floor and she will fight you and tell you this:
"You don't stand a chance against my Skull Crow."
After you defeat her, she will say this to you:
"You win. This belongs to you."
She will give a Skull Crow Recipe. Skull Crow Recipe is a combination of Bones and Bitewing.
Then on the 4th floor, you will meet a man named Njord and he will tell you this:
Shy type? :D Anyway, after you beat him he will talk and say this to you:
"Take this with you."
Not much of a talker. Anyway, he will give you a Lich King Recipe which is a combination of Lich Eye and Lich. If you are finished wiping all the monsters from 1st to 4th floor, why don't you go visit Aggression on the 6th level? Once your done head back to Wesing town and Leslie will show up again to tell you this:
"An adventurer from Lorensia had a tip for making it through the Igneous Passage. The first half of the passage is populated with Water creatures. The second half is full of Earth creatures."
A tip from Leslie on how to survive the dungeon. Now, go and get your reward which is Silver Egg and get your last quest.
Guild of Wesing - Quest No. 5 (Igneous Passage)
On this last quest, the Guild Master will tell you this:
"The Igneous Passage is populated with powerful monsters. Can you travel through it and deliver a message to Lorensia?"
If your monsters are not strong enough, you won't make it through Lorensia. That's why I suggest that you skip this quest and continue your Westguard Quest by delivering the Message to the Guild of Dundean located in Safaris.
To be continued...
Dragon Island Blue - Aggression
Monster No. 196 - Aggression
Rating: 4.5☆
Type: Death
Dwelling on the 6th level of the No Man's Castle in Southern Alvalon (Point 18 on the map). It is one of the Spirit Monsters.
Starting Abilities:
Defense Break
Soul Eater
HP: 35/35 XP
Attack: 12
Magic: 12
Speed: 34
Defense: 21
Resist: 21
If you have additional information about this post, please let me know.
See: List of Monsters
Rating: 4.5☆
Type: Death
Dwelling on the 6th level of the No Man's Castle in Southern Alvalon (Point 18 on the map). It is one of the Spirit Monsters.
Starting Abilities:
Defense Break
Soul Eater
HP: 35/35 XP
Attack: 12
Magic: 12
Speed: 34
Defense: 21
Resist: 21
If you have additional information about this post, please let me know.
See: List of Monsters
Dragon Island Blue - Lich King
Monster No. 173 - Lich King
Rating: 4.5☆
Type: Death
You can only get this monster by combining Lich Eye and Lich thru recipe. You can get the recipe by defeating Njord on the 4th floor of the No Man's Castle Located at Point 18 on the map of Southern Alvalon.
Starting Abilities:
Stone Glance
HP: 34/34 XP
Attack: 8
Magic: 15
Speed: 10
Defense: 15
Resist: 16
If you have additional information about this post, please let me know.
See: List of Monsters
Rating: 4.5☆
Type: Death
You can only get this monster by combining Lich Eye and Lich thru recipe. You can get the recipe by defeating Njord on the 4th floor of the No Man's Castle Located at Point 18 on the map of Southern Alvalon.
Starting Abilities:
Stone Glance
HP: 34/34 XP
Attack: 8
Magic: 15
Speed: 10
Defense: 15
Resist: 16
If you have additional information about this post, please let me know.
See: List of Monsters
Dragon Island Blue - Skull Crow
Monster No. 171 - Skull Crow
Rating: 4.5☆
Type: Death
You can only get this monster by combining Bones and Bitewing thru recipe. You can get the recipe by defeating Ursula on the 1st floor of the No Man's Castle Located at Point 18 on the map of Southern Alvalon.
Starting Abilities:
Dark Mist
Venom Strike
HP: 34/34 XP
Attack: 12
Magic: 12
Speed: 13
Defense: 21
Resist: 21
If you have additional information about this post, please let me know.
See: List of Monsters
Rating: 4.5☆
Type: Death
You can only get this monster by combining Bones and Bitewing thru recipe. You can get the recipe by defeating Ursula on the 1st floor of the No Man's Castle Located at Point 18 on the map of Southern Alvalon.
Starting Abilities:
Dark Mist
Venom Strike
HP: 34/34 XP
Attack: 12
Magic: 12
Speed: 13
Defense: 21
Resist: 21
If you have additional information about this post, please let me know.
See: List of Monsters
Monday, September 17, 2012
Dragon Island Blue - Fate
Monster No. 195 - Fate
Rating: 4☆
Type: Arcane
Dwelling on the 5th level of the Lighthouse in Ringfeld. It is one of the Spirit Monsters.
Starting Abilities:
Mass Panic
HP: 34/34 XP
Attack: 12
Magic: 12
Speed: 26
Defense: 21
Resist: 21
If you have additional information about this post, please let me know.
See: List of Monsters
Rating: 4☆
Type: Arcane
Dwelling on the 5th level of the Lighthouse in Ringfeld. It is one of the Spirit Monsters.
Starting Abilities:
Mass Panic
HP: 34/34 XP
Attack: 12
Magic: 12
Speed: 26
Defense: 21
Resist: 21
If you have additional information about this post, please let me know.
See: List of Monsters
Dragon Island Blue - Armor Fish
Monster No. 103 - Armor Fish
Rating: 2.5☆
Type: Water
Dwelling in the Lighthouse of Ringfeld. It will evolve at level 23 into Ceola King.
Starting Abilities:
Rapid Water
HP: 29/29 XP
Attack: 4
Magic: 10
Speed: 14
Defense: 6
Resist: 6
If you have additional information about this post, please let me know.
See: List of Monsters
Rating: 2.5☆
Type: Water
Dwelling in the Lighthouse of Ringfeld. It will evolve at level 23 into Ceola King.
Starting Abilities:
Rapid Water
HP: 29/29 XP
Attack: 4
Magic: 10
Speed: 14
Defense: 6
Resist: 6
If you have additional information about this post, please let me know.
See: List of Monsters
Dragon Island Blue - Fire
Monster No. 194 - Fire
Rating: 3.5☆
Type: Fire
Dwelling on the 6th level of the Pirate's Cave in Northern Alvalon. It is one of the Spirit Monsters.
Starting Abilities:
Fire Storm
HP: 31/31 XP
Attack: 10
Magic: 10
Speed: 16
Defense: 13
Resist: 13
If you have additional information about this post, please let me know.
See: List of Monsters
Rating: 3.5☆
Type: Fire
Dwelling on the 6th level of the Pirate's Cave in Northern Alvalon. It is one of the Spirit Monsters.
Starting Abilities:
Fire Storm
HP: 31/31 XP
Attack: 10
Magic: 10
Speed: 16
Defense: 13
Resist: 13
If you have additional information about this post, please let me know.
See: List of Monsters
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Dragon Island Blue - Carnoraptor
Monster No. 169 - Carnoraptor
Rating: 3.5☆
Type: Air
You can only get this monster by combining Bitewing and Wolf thru recipe. You can get the recipe by defeating Ivo at Point 14 on the map of Southern Alvalon.
Starting Abilities:
Sky Dive
HP: 31/31 XP
Attack: 12
Magic: 8
Speed: 21
Defense: 13
Resist: 13
If you have additional information about this post, please let me know.
See: List of Monsters
Rating: 3.5☆
Type: Air
You can only get this monster by combining Bitewing and Wolf thru recipe. You can get the recipe by defeating Ivo at Point 14 on the map of Southern Alvalon.
Starting Abilities:
Sky Dive
HP: 31/31 XP
Attack: 12
Magic: 8
Speed: 21
Defense: 13
Resist: 13
If you have additional information about this post, please let me know.
See: List of Monsters
Dragon Island Blue - Dragon Overlords
Arashi - You will encounter this Drake blocking the bridge in Southern Alvalon (Point 12 in the map).
Archelon - You will encounter this Sea Dragon blocking the passage to the Lighthouse in Ringfeld (Point 4 in the map).
Apophis - You will encounter this White Dragon at the back of the Pirate's Cave in Northern Alvalon (Point 8 on the map).
Nagendra - You will encounter this Red Dragon blocking the Igneous Passage in Greater Wesing (Point 5 on the map).
------------- To be continued....
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Dragon Island Blue - Resistance
Monster No. 193 - Resistance
Rating: 3☆
Type: Earth
Dwelling on the 4th floor of the North Cave in Southern Alvalon. It is one of the Spirit Monsters.
Starting Abilities:
Pseudo Immunity
HP: 31/31 XP
Attack: 7
Magic: 7
Speed: 8
Defense: 16
Resist: 16
If you have additional information about this post, please let me know.
See: List of Monsters
Rating: 3☆
Type: Earth
Dwelling on the 4th floor of the North Cave in Southern Alvalon. It is one of the Spirit Monsters.
Starting Abilities:
Pseudo Immunity
HP: 31/31 XP
Attack: 7
Magic: 7
Speed: 8
Defense: 16
Resist: 16
If you have additional information about this post, please let me know.
See: List of Monsters
Dragon Island Blue - Snow Cub
Monster No. 25 - Snow Cub
Rating: 3☆
Type: Water
Dwelling in the North Cave of Southern Alvalon. It will evolve at level 28 into Snow Panther.
Starting Abilities:
HP: 31/31 XP
Attack: 9
Magic: 9
Speed: 19
Defense: 13
Resist: 13
If you have additional information about this post, please let me know.
See: List of Monsters
Rating: 3☆
Type: Water
Dwelling in the North Cave of Southern Alvalon. It will evolve at level 28 into Snow Panther.
Starting Abilities:
HP: 31/31 XP
Attack: 9
Magic: 9
Speed: 19
Defense: 13
Resist: 13
If you have additional information about this post, please let me know.
See: List of Monsters
Friday, September 14, 2012
Dragon Island Blue - Quests
Here are the quests that you will tackle in every town of Dragon Island:
Southern Alvalon (Corova Town)
Quest 1 - Prove Yourself
"Hmm... First you need to prove yourself. Go outside of town and capture your first monster! The forest west of here would be a good place. You only get one chance per monster, so you need to lower it's health in order to better your chances."
Reward: Silver Egg
Quest 2 - Defeat 10 Monsters
"Go defeat 10 monsters. By the time you come back to me, you will be ready to face real challenges. I forgot to mention this earlier, but you can take up to 3 quests with you at any given time."
Reward: Lonely Wolf.
Quest 3 - Beat Rigel
--------- To be continued......
Southern Alvalon (Corova Town)
Quest 1 - Prove Yourself
"Hmm... First you need to prove yourself. Go outside of town and capture your first monster! The forest west of here would be a good place. You only get one chance per monster, so you need to lower it's health in order to better your chances."
Reward: Silver Egg
Quest 2 - Defeat 10 Monsters
"Go defeat 10 monsters. By the time you come back to me, you will be ready to face real challenges. I forgot to mention this earlier, but you can take up to 3 quests with you at any given time."
Reward: Lonely Wolf.
Quest 3 - Beat Rigel
--------- To be continued......
Dragon Island Blue - The People of DIB
Leslie - You will meet her at the start of the game asking for help and she will be the who will teach how to play this game.
Leslie's Brother - The Guild Master of Corova Town.
Enya - You will encounter her at Point 11 Southern Alvalon's Map, Blocking the North Cave.
Rigel - You will encounter him in the North Cave in Southern Alvalon.
Cyrus -You will encounter this barbarian at Point 4 in Southern Alvalon, at Point 9 in Northern Alvalon and at Point 8 of the Greater Wesing.
Fionn - You will meet him at the 3rd level in the North Cave and in the Wesing Town.
Ivo - You will encounter him at Point 14 in Southern Alvalon.
Giselle - A Guild member. You will meet her at Point 14 on the map of Northern Alvalon. She's blocking the entrance of the Westguard town to test you.
Harald - Guild Master of Westguard and the one who will give you a license test in the Arena.
Christa - You will meet her blocking the passage leading north from Westguard (Point 14 in Northern Alvalon)
Jubal - You'll meet him in Westguard.
Fiona - She and her partner Mazarine rob rare monsters from other breeders. You will meet them in the Pirate's Cave (Point 3 in Northern Alvalon).
Adina - You will rescue her in the Lighthouse of Ringfeld.

Leomaris - Also known as the Pirate King. He will be your last quest in the Guild of Westguard. You will meet him on the tip of the peninsula to the west of Westguard (Point 11 on Northern Alvalon).
Ren - You will meet this girl when you first enter the Town of Wesing and at the forest in Western Gracia (Point 8 on the map).
Unknown - The Guild Master of Wesing Town.
Ryu - You will encounter him in the forest of Greater Wesing (Point 13 on the map).
Clematis - You will meet her in Wesing Town recruiting breeders.
Ursula - You will meet this girl on the 1st floor of No Man's Castle in Southern Alvalon (Point 18 on the map). She will give you the Skull Crow Recipe.
Njord - You will meet this guy on the 4th floor of No Man's Castle in Southern Alvalon (Point 18 on the map). He will give you the Lich King Recipe.
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