Thursday, September 13, 2012

Dragon Island Blue - Saintspring


Saintspring is located at the right of Wesburn, above Endergate and below Applefield. One of the best place to hunt high level monsters.

Map of Saintspring

Map Legend: 

Point 1 - Going to Endergate
Point 26 - Going to Applefield

Here are the list of Monsters that can be found in this area.

- Ninja
- King Slime
- Pyro
- Ceola King
- Sea Dragon
- Sea Caliph
- Mer King
- Beastman King
- Steel Snake
- Minos
- Bat King
- Dark Spirit
- Kemet God
- Abomination
- Dream Hunter
- Angelic Bird
- Yacare
- Turtle King
- Gnoll
- Terror Claw
- Megaslug

If you have additional information about this post, please let me know.

See: World Map 


  1. I'm not sure if I got extremely lucky, but I encountered a Orochi in the small forest area just to the left of the main road above the bridge.

  2. At point 15, in case you don't understand my description :P

  3. Thanks for the info. I will add Orochi on the list. :D

  4. point 23 has an Invisible Dragon overlord. i Cannot remember its name.

  5. I catch 3 of my orochi on point 12 & 15....
