Thursday, September 13, 2012

Dragon Island Blue - Swinedene


Swinedene is located at the left of North Earlsome and below Endergate. This is also the area to hunt high level monster.

Map of Swinedene

 Map Legend: 

Point 1 and 20 - Going to Endergate
Point 24 - Going to North Earlsome

Here are the list of Monsters that can be found in this area.

- Kingpen
- Steel Snake
- Fairy Queen
- Terror Claw
- Dream Hunter
- Drake
- Pyro
- Minos
- Bat King
- Crab King
- Gnoll
- Angelic Bird
- Wasp Queen
- Iron Slime
- Thunder Mage
- Megaslug
- King Slime
- Ceola King
- Mer King
- Dark Razorfish
- Sea Caliph

If you have additional information about this post, please let me know.

See: World Map


  1. Are you able to tell me which spots Iron Slime appears on? I've been having trouble finding it.

  2. It's random so i can't tell. I'm sorry! but I remember that i caught one in Endergate (Point 19).

  3. 13 and 15 are pretty good bets - I caught more at 15 than anywhere else...

    1. yeah! the level of the monsters there are the same as yours. if you have level 150 monsters. you will most likely to encounter level 150 wild monsters as well. :D

  4. Hey, ive been trying to look for a Kingpen here but I cant find any...are they rare in this area or are they in a specific loccation?
